Health Benefits of Yams and Sweet Potatoes Which is Healthier

When it comes to the health benefits of yams and sweet potatoes, there are some similarities and some differences.

Yams and sweet potatoes are staples in many households.

But are they as healthy as you thought?

Find out the differences between yams and sweet potatoes and how each can benefit you.

Yams are a staple food in many cultures. In fact, they are the national dish of Ghana and Uganda.

They are also native to Africa and Asia.

While sweet potatoes are native to the Americas, they are also cultivated in many other countries.

health benefits of sweet potatoes

The sweet potato is believed to have originated in the Peruvian Amazon but is now grown in many other tropical areas.

Yams and sweet potatoes have very similar nutritional values.

Yams and Sweet Potatoes Nutrition

Both yams and sweet potatoes are excellent sources of beta-carotene.

Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that converts to vitamin A in your body. Beta-carotene helps promote healthy vision, supports your immune system, and helps prevent cell damage.

A serving of yams or sweet potatoes has about the same amount of calories as a serving of white potatoes.

However, a sweet potato has fewer calories than a white potato.

While both yams and sweet potatoes are good sources of vitamin C, sweet potatoes are slightly higher in vitamin C than yams.

Yams and sweet potatoes contain a similar amount of vitamin B-6 and potassium.

health benefits of yams

Furthermore, sweet potatoes are slightly higher in vitamin B-6 than yams.

Both yams and sweet potatoes contain small amounts of other nutrients such as niacin, thiamine, and magnesium.

Can You Eat Too Many Yams and Sweet Potatoes?

Despite their similar nutritional values, a serving of yams provides 15% more calories than a serving of white potatoes.

Therefore, if you are trying to lose weight, you should limit your consumption of yams and sweet potatoes.

lose weight eating yams

Whether you should eat yams or sweet potatoes depends on your health needs.

For example, if you have diabetes or high blood pressure, you may want to limit your consumption of yams and sweet potatoes because their high starch content can elevate your blood sugar levels.

Both yams and sweet potatoes are high in carbohydrates.

Eating too many carbohydrates can cause your blood sugar level to rise, increasing your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

While sweet potatoes and yams are high in natural sugars, like molasses and fructose, they contain no sugar or sucrose.

Both Support Your Immune System

Many people eat yams or sweet potatoes during the cold winter months because of their high vitamin content.

Both foods have antioxidants that help reduce inflammation in your body.

Sweet potatoes also contain beta-carotene, which boasts several health benefits.

First, an antioxidant like beta-carotene protects your body from free radicals that can disrupt your immune system.

Antioxidants like beta-carotene lower your risk of developing heart disease, destroying cells, and boosting your immunity.

Best Way To Add Them To Your diet

Whether you like to roast them, mash them, or bake them, sweet potatoes and yams are versatile and tasty.

However, you do not have to eat them alone to get the best out of them.

Sweet potatoes and yams are also great in a healthy smoothie or soup.

  • Add a handful of chopped or steamed sweet potato or yam to your blender with some banana, nut butter, and almond milk for a creamy, nutritious smoothie.
  • You can also wrap sliced yams or sweet potatoes in foil with some herbs and place them in a slow oven for half an hour to create a delicious
  • Sweet potato chips, peel them and fry them up.
  • Toasted yam chips are delicious too! Add olive oil or coconut oil, a little sea salt, and a sprinkle of cinnamon to sweet potato or yam slices before popping them in a toaster for 10-12 minutes.
  • Hash browns are often made from white potatoes, but you can easily mold sweet potato slices into perfect hash browns. Toss them in a little olive oil and roast for 25 minutes – or until golden brown.
  • In Bake Goods, Sweet potatoes are a common ingredient in baked goods like cake, bread, biscuits, muffins, and cookies. Sweet potatoes have a high natural sugar content, which makes them perfect for making yummy treats. Try adding 1/3 sweet potato to your cakes next time you bake! The sweet potato will give your cake a delicious flavor without ruining the texture.
  • Whatever way you choose to enjoy them, sweet potatoes and yams are nutritious and delicious.

Things To Know When Buying Them

When choosing yams or sweet potatoes, look for firm, unblemished sweet potatoes. Avoid soft sweet potatoes that have dark blemishes or a long stem.

  1. Sweet potatoes and yams should be firm to the touch. 
  2. Avoid any that are wrinkled or shriveled.
  3. The skin of sweet potatoes and yams should be slightly rough.
  4. Avoid sweet potatoes that have smooth skin and no blemishes.

Choose sweet potatoes that are light in color.

For example, avoid sweet potatoes that are yellow or orange, as these varieties are less sweet.

Does Eating Sweet Potatoes Make You Gain Weight?

Sweet potatoes are rich in natural sugars, so some people worry that eating them will cause them to gain weight.

Yet, sweet potato supporters claim that sweet potatoes can help you lose weight because they are high in fiber.

This argument is based on research done in the 1940s on rats fed high-sugar diets with potatoes as the main ingredient.

Fiber is also filling and helps you to feel full for a longer time.

Therefore, fiber can help you avoid overeating.

Fiber also slows the absorption of carbohydrates, which limits your sugar spike and means that your body has more time to process blood sugar levels.

So when choosing, I really think that the key to the debate depends on your overall goal.

So Which is Healthier? Yams or Sweet Potatoes?

Despite their similarities, some studies suggest that the purple flesh of purple sweet potatoes may be healthier than the orange yam or sweet potato.

Sweet Potatoes VS Yams Which is Healthier

For example, one study found that purple sweet potato juice may have anticancer properties.

Another study found that purple sweet potato juice may have anti-inflammatory properties and may help reduce the severity of pain associated with arthritis, tendonitis, and other inflammatory conditions.

For the most part, yams and sweet potatoes are very similar.

While they both contain some nutritional benefits, whether one is healthier than the other depends on your health needs. 

If you are trying to lose weight or manage your blood sugar levels, you may want to consider limiting your consumption of yams and sweet potatoes.

I think yams and sweet potatoes taste great and are much better for you than white potatoes.

It depends on how you plan to prepare them and how you will prepare them.

To Sum it UP

My recommendation is to eat this food moderately.

Twenty grams of sweet potato or yam makes you feel light and complete during the day.

At the end of the day, it comes down to personal choice.

Sweet Potatoes are great for cooking but are often regarded as an acquired taste.

So try one and go from there! So go ahead and enjoy your yams and sweet potatoes!

About the author 


We are the ones behind the scenes of Remedies Insider. My name is Shereen and the other guy, haha, is my loving husband, Rob. Our mission with our website/blog is to show people the many different home and natural remedies that can help heal, protect, and provide relief from common everyday ailments.

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