May 4


8 Ways To Naturally Reduce a Fever Without Drugs

By Shereen

How to reduce a fever naturally is a question we often get asked, especially by parents who have a child suffering from fever.

Fever is a natural response of the body to fight infection.

It can speed up your healing process, but fever can also drain your energy and eventually cause you to become too uncomfortable. 

Fevers aren't life-threatening, but they are excruciatingly painful for everyone who has them.

Here are eight natural remedies to bring down a fever without resorting to drugs.

1. Getting plenty of fluids in your system

  • Dehydration occurs when the body's temperature rises. Dehydration can cause a person to feel even more sweltering. As a result, the first step is to ensure that the person is well hydrated.
  • Taking frequent small sips of water will help. In addition, it is recommended that children drink a few tablespoons of water every 10 minutes to keep their bodies well hydrated.
  • In addition to making you feel more comfortable, hydration reduces your body's temperature.

2. Using a Sponge (sponge bath)

naturally reduce a fever
  • A sponge bath is an excellent technique for children and adults with high body temperatures who are confined to bed because of illness.
  • A sponge or towel is often soaked in cold water, wrung partially dry, and then wiped across the body. The purpose of this action is to create a cooling effect on the body's surface.
  • This is done by repeatedly wiping the cold, wet towel across your skin.
  • Sponging is typically performed on the forehead, chest, groin, and wrist areas.

3. Lukewarm baths

  • One of the best ways to lower body temperature is to take a lukewarm bath.
  • Taking a lukewarm shower relaxes and soothes the muscles.
  • Relaxation and energy are provided.

4. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

  • Eating foods high in vitamin C reduces inflammation and boosts the body's defenses.
  • Lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water is a natural cure for fever and colds, flu, and other illnesses.

5. Foods That Are Nutritious

  • Antioxidants and minerals are essential for boosting one's immune system, which is needed to fight off the illness. Maintaining good health is easy when you have a robust immune system.
  • Your digestive system weakens when you're sick, so it's essential to keep your stomach in check.

6. Soup is good food

  • Soups with herbs (like basil) and spices (like capsaicin and pepper) help circulate blood and reduce body temperature by causing perspiration.
  • Broth-based soup provides the energy and nutrients needed to fight disease and lower the body's core temperature.

7. Fruit Juices

how to naturally reduce a fever
  • The sugars and vitamins found in freshly squeezed fruit juices help the body heal and grow stronger. 
  • This boosts the body's ability to fight off illness by increasing energy levels and enhancing the immune system.
  • This is one of the most effective methods for both hydrating and cooling the body.

8. Cozy Clothes

  • It's best to dress in light, breathable clothing to allow the body's heat to escape into the surrounding air and provide some relief from the heat.

What is a Fever?

Fever is a medical term that means something different to different people.

As a result of an illness, a person's body temperature rises, or pyrexia, which is medically defined as an increase in the body's temperature.

The normal range for a human body temperature is 98.6 and 98.8 degrees Fahrenheit.

It's possible that the range could be affected by various factors, such as a person's diet, sleeping habits, and exercise routine.

Fever itself is not a disease but rather a sign that something more serious is going on.

When the immune system works hard to combat bacteria or viruses, the body's temperature rises.

Fever can be categorized into several different types based on the pattern and rate it rises.


  1. 100 to 101°F is considered a mild fever.
  2. Fainting or sweating profusely
  3. 104 to 107°F is a dangerous temperature range.
  4. Hyperpyrexia: Temperatures above 106.1°F


  • Body temperature fluctuations of 0.5°F or less over the course of 24 hours constitute a "sustained fever."
  • Persistent fever that fluctuates up and down but never fully settles down. More than 0.5°F, but less than 2.5°F, is the temperature difference.
  • A fever that comes and goes throughout the day is known as an 
  • Intermittent fever. It's more than 0.5°F, but not quite 2.5°F, different.
  • A frequent or intermittent fever with a temperature that fluctuates at least 2.5 degrees in 24 hours is known as a feverish illness.

To sum it up

In conclusion, we mentioned that fever is not an illness; it is a symptom of an overwhelming immune response of the body.

Therefore, the primary goal in cooling the body should be to treat the infection causing the sharp temperature rise rather than reduce or stop the body temperature from rising. 

It's essential to keep the body hydrated by drinking sufficient amounts of water, fruit juices, and herbal teas to keep the body well hydrated. 

Call your doctor if a child has a body temperature above 99°F or if the fever persists for more than 3 hours.

About the author 


We are the ones behind the scenes of Remedies Insider. My name is Shereen and the other guy, haha, is my loving husband, Rob. Our mission with our website/blog is to show people the many different home and natural remedies that can help heal, protect, and provide relief from common everyday ailments.

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